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Lesson 1 🧚‍♀️

Foto van schrijver: Golden CultureGolden Culture

Hi Beautiful, 🦋

I hope you are living your most awesome life.

But regardless whether you are or you aren't, this is a reminder that when you feel overwhelmed you should focus on the things that you CAN control.

When we feel overwhelmed or lost, we tend to get on that rollercoaster in our mind and ride through the landscapes of all different possibilities at 200miles/h.

When you find yourself in a situation like that, try and take a step back.

Come back to your senses to calm your mind down; feel, see, hear, touch.

Once you've calmed down a bit, think of the tings you can control, find your faith in that thought and surrender to the rest.

Trust that life will guide you where you need to go if you just let it.

The only job you have is to focus on what you can control: your thoughts and feelings. (Granted, not all of them, but most)

Decide for yourself that you are going to have a great day.

Decide for yourself that you are going to pursue the one thing that scares you.

Decide for yourself that YOU ARE AMAZING and you can do anything, as long as you believe you can.

Just scratch 'What if' out of your vocabulary.

'What if' is the killer of creativity. 'What if' is the killer of dreams. 'What if' is the killer of you living your best life.

So Beautiful, focus on what you can control, let go of 'What if' and go live your best life.

You are so worth it. ♥

Lots of love & sunshine,

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